Punjab Sets Higher Target of Wheat Purchase 4.2M tons

Punjab government of Pakistan has set a higher wheat purchase target of 4.2 million tonnes. The wheat purchase aims to ensure food security.
- Business - April 30, 2023

The Punjab government has set the highest wheat purchase target this year. We know that Punjab is the breadbasket of Pakistan and contributes significantly to the wheat production of the whole country. However, in recent years, wheat production in the province has declined due to various factors, including unfavorable weather conditions, rising input costs, and its adjustment towards other crops. To support the farmers and ensure food security, the Punjab government has set a higher wheat procurement target this year.

wheat purchase

In response to the wheat shortage in the agricultural sector of Pakistan, the Punjab government has announced its plan to tackle the issue by setting a higher wheat purchase target of 4.2 million tons for the upcoming season.

The decision aims to ensure food security in the country and provide adequate profits for farmers and traders. This decision will help farmers and traders to make sufficient profits.

Punjab Food Department Role in Wheat Procurement

The increase in the wheat procurement target is expected to benefit farmers in multiple ways. Firstly, it will ensure that farmers get fair prices for their wheat, as the provincial government plans to purchase wheat crops at a minimum support price (MSP).

Secondly, it will provide a guaranteed market for the wheat farmers’ produce, encouraging them to increase their wheat production.

Wheat purchase


The Punjab Food Department (PFD) is responsible for wheat procurement in the province. The PFD buys wheat from farmers at a pre-determined support price and then sells it to flour mills and other stakeholders in the milling industry. The objective of the PFD is to provide financial security to the farmers and to ensure that the wheat is of high quality.

Punjab Government Previous Target for Wheat Purchase

The Punjab government had set a target of 3.7 million tons for wheat purchase in the previous season. This was lower than the actual requirement of 4.2 million tons.

The lower target had led to a shortage of wheat in the market, which in turn had put a strain on the prices of wheat-based products. The increase in wheat procurement targets will positively impact the agriculture sector in Punjab. It will create more job opportunities for farmers and laborers in wheat production, transportation, and storage.

It will also help the government maintain sufficient wheat stocks for the national food security program and prevent the shortage of wheat in the market.

Punjab Government New Target for Wheat Purchase

The Punjab government has now increased its target for wheat purchase to 4.2 million tons. This is higher than the actual requirement and is expected to help ensure food security in the province. It will also help farmers and traders get profits from their wheat sales.

Despite the benefits, it has challenges and concerns associated with the revised wheat procurement target. One concern is the storage capacity of the provincial government.

The government needs to ensure that it has enough storage facilities to store the purchased wheat. Moreover, some experts have criticized the government for not diversifying the agricultural sector and relying too heavily on wheat production.

Punjab Government Takes Measures to Ensure Quality Wheat

The Punjab government‍‌ has taken several measures to ensure that the wheat being purchased should be of high quality. It has introduced random sampling and testing of the wheat crop purchased by the PFD.

This will help to ensure the wheat is free from impurities or contaminants. The Punjab government has also made it mandatory for the PFD to purchase only wheat that meets the quality standards.


The Government of Punjab’s initiative has set a higher wheat purchase target of 4.2 million tons. Experts and officials expect the higher wheat purchase target of 4.2 million tons to reduce the shortage of wheat in the country. This will help reduce the prices of wheat-based products, which would benefit consumers. The increased purchase target will help the farmers and traders. The main concern is that they get adequate profits from their wheat sales.

The decision of the government to set a higher wheat purchase target of 4.2 million tons is a welcome step towards ensuring food security in the country. It will help farmers and traders make more profit and produce wheat for the country.

The government’s measures to ensure quality wheat will further help ensure that the wheat crop purchased is high quality. The initiative is likely to benefit both consumers and producers. Also, it is expected to help reduce the shortage of wheat in the country.