PIA planes to wear new colour, tail design

- Politics - January 30, 2023

Pakistan airline aircraft will have wiring loom designs and colors. Along with other recommendations, it was additionally urged that Pakistani must be written on all aircraft. Peshawar: It was suggested that the PIA aircraft’s current new look and wing shape be changed once more. Several suggestions for the Boards of Governors depending on the main color palette have reportedly been made, according to insiders.

In 2015, a fresh dark blue color and the Due to its improved image of the airplane’s wing was unveiled. Eventually, under demand from the community, this new look was dropped and the present one was kept. The administration of the telecoms company reportedly suggested painting the aircraft white and keeping the skin’s diagonal stripe. It has been requested that the color-coded emblem strip that is located beneath the emblem on the aircraft’ tails be removed.

Along with other ideas, it was recommended that Pakistani must be written on all aircraft. The picture of markhor on the aircraft tail and a new blue color scheme was introduced in 2018. Later, this color scheme was scrapped due to public pressure and the current color scheme was maintained.
According to the sources, the management of the national carrier proposed to make the color of the planes white and keep the green stripe on the body. It has been suggested to do away with the badge color strip under the Pakistani flag on the tail of the planes. Besides other suggestions, mandatory writing of Pakistan on the planes was also suggested.

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