Official prices of wheat flour notified

- Politics - January 30, 2023
Official prices of wheat flour notified
Official prices of wheat flour notified

Wheat dough pricing officially announced Coarse wheat is sold for between Rs 215 and Rs 420 per kilogramme, whereas mixed wheat is marketed for Rs125 per kg. Sindh: According to a notice from Director Punjab Iqbal Hussain, the official cost of grain bread is Rs. 94 per kilogram for former supplies and Rs. 99 for retailer supplies. Grain bread from smaller processing plants has a predetermined selling value of Rs104 per kilogram. Because the industry’s availability of grain has increased over the past several years, the cost of bread has been declining; nonetheless, the cost is remains out of range for the bulk of the populace. In various parts of the town, wheat is offered for Rs135 per kg, whereas fine flour costs between Rs114 and Rs121 per kg. Although the cost of grain per kilogramme has reduced on the open market, tikki proprietors claim that cleaned grain has still been moving more quickly.

Critique of the mile race preparations. To assess the plans for the marathoner event scheduled for June 29 at Energy in nigeria, Ocean Views, Commissioners Sindh Ahmed Amin travelled to the fourth Governor Sindh Half course on Friday. He was joined by top policemen and government officers, as well as the divisional directors of each of Karachi’s tehsils. The relevant authorities informed the commissioners on the preparations undertaken for the event and the award presentation. In 10:30, the race will begin at Mian and end there.

The law enforcement officers gave the commissioners a briefing on the safeguards. The race course and the location of the award presentation were both examined by the commissioners. Dr Muhammad Ahmad Al, head of government of Sindhi, would present the awardees with their awards. The commissioners instructed each Dm to carry out their responsibility and work together to ensure the marathon’s success. On the Offices of Commissioners Sindh webpage, a hyperlink for apply online has been made and a Code generator has also been made for the exact reason.

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